Coach Jonathan Ibarra

23 years old

Born: July 16, 1988

Class of 2006 S.P. Waltrip Rams

2 year high school letter

Full time college student

Glad to say that I honorably served the in U.S. Marine Corps for 6 years, and completed 2 tours in Iraq. The Marine Corps definitely taught me values that I know will follow me throughout all my endeavors in life. It’s made me wiser and smarter beyond my years, definitely appreciate the finer things this great country of ours has to offer (like football).This coaching thing is definitely a first for me, but one thing I can guarantee is that I am a sponge when it comes to stuff like this. One thing is for certain I can definitely teach kids positive values that I have learned along the way such as hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Giving back to the community would have to be considered an essential part of a successful society. I see on TV all the wonderful things professional athletes do nowadays in their communities it’s amazing how they’re received by these young children. I believe I can positively influence these young minds and bodies that will eventually become the leaders of the next generation. As far as football I am a student of the game often analyze a game in my own unique way definitely aware of the ins and outs of the sport itself. In closing if I can positively impact these young lives in any aspect, I can’t ask for any more than that. To these kids we are seen as people they can and will look up too, and I will act as such.